Mind over matter meaning german
Mind over body
This is a simple test of mind over matter, long a key study of our military institute. Ein einfacher Test, Geist über Materie, lange Zeit ein Lehrgang am Militärinstitut. A remarkable manifestation of mind over matter. Ein erstaunliches Beispiel für den Sieg des Geistes über die Materie.Mind over matter lyrics Mind over matter! - Der Geist bezwingt den Körper! Last post 20 Aug 08, Ich glaube "mind over matter" ist doch einigermaßen geläufig, vielleicht kann mir wer meinen 8 Replies: Mind over all: Last post 11 Oct 09, "No limit to what can be achieved MIND OVER ALL Power that has yet to be seen MIND OVER ALL 2 Replies: mind.
Mind over matter tattoo Translation of "mind over matter" in German Noun Mind Over Matter Geist über Materie Geistes über die Materie Geist über die Materie Because we all know that no matter which goal you want to achieve it always comes down to the same values and finally it's all about mind over matter.
Mind deutsch Definition von mind over matter mind over matter Ausdruck You can use the expression mind over matter to describe situations in which a person seems to be able to control events, physical objects, or the condition of their own body using their mind. Good health is simply a case of mind over matter. See full dictionary entry for mind.