José saramago ilda reis
Ilda Reis - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
My wife, Ilda Reis, then a typist with the Railway Company, was to become, many years later, one of the most important Portuguese engravers. She died in In , the year of the birth of my only child, Violante, I published my first book, a novel I myself entitled The Widow, but which for editorial reasons appeared as The Land of Sin.Biografia de José Saramago: Três amores na vida - Cultura Author of more than 40 titles, José Saramago was born in , in the village of Azinhaga. The nights spent in the public library of the Palácio Galveias, in Lisbon, were fundamental for its formation. «And it was there, without help or advice, only guided by curiosity and the desire to learn, that my taste for reading developed and refined.».
Centenário de Saramago: “Contrariamente ao que se dizia, o Autor de mais de 40 títulos, José Saramago nasceu em , na aldeia de Azinhaga. As noites passadas na biblioteca pública do Palácio Galveias, em Lisboa, foram fundamentais para a sua formação.
Ilda Reis – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre De esta forma, José se convirtió en el primer Saramago de la familia Meirinho Sousa. Su madre le regaló su primer libro, O Mistério do Mohíno, (The Mystery on the Moor) de Joseph.